I have been educating myself on all things foreclosure. It's one thing, as a realtor, to tell a client that you can help with foreclosures, but until you educate yourself in that area, you aren't really helping your clients to make the most informed decisions.
There are a few things to consider when you find yourself falling behind:
1) Take a look at your financial health and be honest with yourself about where you stand & what you can afford. That will help to focus your mind on the next steps that are NEEDED not WANTED. There is a difference.
2) If you have a significant other, kids, or others in the household, it's time to sit down and have the difficult conversation about what is happening, and what needs to happen next in order to right the ship.
This is where having a professional who knows how to help guide your decisions by providing you with resources that can either help you get your mortgage caught up, or to help you find your way out of the situation altogether. This can be a lawyer, CPA, SFR Certified Realtor, or combination of them all. This part depends on your individual situation.
3) Figure out what's the most important to you when you decide to make the move that you are about make. Is it trying to stay in the home at all costs, or is it trying to save your equity, your credit, and the ability to remain a homeowner.
It's a lot easier to buy another home, than it is to deal with the alternative. Of course, there are more factors to consider when making these decisions, but for the sake of this conversation, we are only dealing with the decisions about the mortgage, and how to rectify this issue.
After dealing with multiple clients in these situations, conversations with homeowners that have been through foreclosures in the past, dealing with lenders & the red tape that goes along with them, and hours on top of hours spent educating myself, I have come to the conclusion that sitting in this situation, and not taking action, is absolutely going to hurt you in the end.
The title of this article is the reason I am writing this, but I wanted to give you a few things to consider before I got to that.
Most homeowners realize that action needs to take place the moment that they know that they are unable to keep up, but fail to act for various reasons. Those reasons can vary from embarrassment, feelings of failure, not wanting to uproot the family from their neighborhood, kids transferring schools, moving expenses, social stature, or simply just don't have the information to fully understand how it's affecting them, so they just ignore it, and hope it just all goes away.
The one thing lenders like to see from people who borrow money from them, is that they are willing to do everything that is necessary to get them paid, PERIOD!
It is not a bad thing to sell the home, if that is what it takes to resolve the situation. They actually look favorably upon this. It signals to them that you are a good investment, and the reason why they would continue to loan you money. When you decide to let it linger, fight them to stay in the home while not paying, ignore their calls, emails & letters, and try everything in the book to keep them from foreclosing, that's when lenders mark you as a bad investment, and just write you off completely. That's when the situation just rolls downhill. Once you allow a foreclosure to take place, not only will you lose most, if not all, of your equity, you will also ruin your credit, lose your home, and the ability to remain a homeowner for years to come. In fact, it even becomes increasingly more difficult to rent, because potential landlords will view you in the same way as your lenders do.
I have personally seen homeowners living in their cars, because they allowed the problem to get worse & worse over time. Ask yourself, what will I do with no money, no home, and bad credit? Move in with a friend? A family member? This is not designed to scare you. It is designed to guide your thinking towards the harsh realities of your situation.
Don't let this be you!
Dealing with being in default/pre-foreclosure is very stressful, and it will keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. This can all be avoided by taking action. I am here for you. I always say, "A Conversation Never Hurts".
Contact me today, and let's get you on the road to recovery. Click the contact button above or below this article, or you can call me directly. You will see that your situation is not unique, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, and you will sleep a lot better once you have begun to fix things. The calls, emails, texts, and letters will all cease. The stress will completely disappear.
Please share this article with anyone who you may think that may need my help.
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